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  1. Does it worth the risk? by Dare Olusola  
    We find excusses for disobeying the Great Commission mandate.
    Let us all, who claim to love God arise and do something.

  2. Does it worth the risk? by Dare Olusola  
    We find excusses for disobeying the Great Commission mandate.
    Let us all, who claim to love God arise and do something.

  3. Does it worth the risk? by Dare Olusola  
    We find excusses for disobeying the Great Commission mandate.
    Let us all, who claim to love God arise and do something.

  4. Does it worth the risk? by Dare Olusola  
    We find excusses for disobeying the Great Commission mandate.
    Let us all, who claim to love God arise and do something.

    The question often arises, What motivated these missionaries to come to the land of the gallows and tigers i.e., the land of the Kacharies---- and to the land of the head-hunters, the wildest of tribes in Nagaland and other parts of the entire North Eastern Region of India?

  6. Beheaded by louis gander  
    Deny! Deny! - or you will die!
    With that, one raised his sword.
    In dampened eyes I shared my cries...

  7. Outreach to South Africa by Elisabeth Puruto  
    This is an account of my missions outrach to South Africa and meant as an encouragement for all those that cannot go into full time mission but still want to follow the call of the Lord.

  8. A Glimpse of Modern Missions by Elisabeth Puruto  
    This is a brief look at opportunities for short-term missionary work. It would be of particular interest for people who want to serve the Lord in the mission field but for some reason cannot leave home for longh-term.

  9. Bride On Fire by lynn gipson  
    The evil practice of bride burning

  10. As More Fall by louis gander  
    We jump in piles of leaves - whoopee!!
    as more fall from the Maple tree.

  11. September Harvest by louis gander  
    After the blizzards and after the drifts,
    after the snowbanks and temperature shifts...
    After the blossoms from light colored buds,
    after the rainstorms and after the floods...
    After the heat from the high summer sun,
    after the grain that is ripe for autumn...

  12. Charlotte by Stanley McMahon  
    The story of Tumelo Home for severely disabled children in Johannesburg, South Africa

  13. Changing the Conversation by Norm Cannada  
    When I think of the First Century church, my mind immediately jumps to the story in Acts 2 where the church --- about 120 men and women at the time --- are gathered together in one place focused on the resurrection of Jesus and the call to tell others. The Holy Spirit takes control of the meeting and God comes forth in a mighty way. I imagine people from the city peering into the windows, trying to get a glimpse of what was happening.
    No one is peering in the windows in the church today, and they haven't for a long time. Most people in my inner city community in Charleston, WV are not just unchurched ---they don't give the church any thought.

  14. His Plans and Ours by Stanley McMahon  
    A Challenge to fulfil the Great Commission and prioritise mission in our own lives.

  15. Armour of God by Jack Jones  
    "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes" Eph 6:10-11.

  16. The Lighthouse by louis gander  
    What draws the eye to the lighthouse?
    Oh say, what could it be?
    Now how could a light on a mighty 'Rock'
    forgive lost souls at sea?

  17. Chrislam: The Insider Movement Lie by Donna Wasson  
    Just because someone hands you a Bible does NOT mean it's the Word of God!

  18. This Single Tree by louis gander  
    If head, I pull, from clouds above,
    I might just understand.
    This world is like a forest and -
    a tree, just like a man.

  19. The Moon by louis gander  
    I look up to the Heavens,
    this clear and starry night.
    Though I am insignificant,
    the moon is quite a sight.

  20. Monkey Light by Dorene Randolph  
    As Dana headed back from the meeting at the church, her heart and soul were bursting with hope. Hope that this 'Jesus Christ', this god who came to die for her and others like her, could heal her drug problem. Could he throw this monkey back into the jungle where he belonged?

  21. fighting two battles at once by sethabela l JACOB  
    helping both my girlfriend and bestfriend to stand or at least be dependent

  22. Hands by louis gander  
    The hands that carry us some day...

  23. Woman assumes responsibility for church's missions program by Greg Miller  
    A woman is given the responsibility of heading up her church's missions efforts.

  24. Released by   
    Deaf girl meets up with Khmer youth as they evangelize on the riverfront. Determined to communicate, they are seek God and she, like a bird, is released.

  25. Potter's House by Cindee Snider Re  
    This story was written as a read-aloud in five daily segments for elementary-age children to introduce them to the work of Potter's House Association International in particular and to foreign missions in general. Would make an excellent addition to Vacation Bible School curricula.

  26. A Quiet Confidence by Bob Valleau  
    Placing our trust in Christ is the only confidence we'll ever need.

  27. ISOLATED SYSTEM by Ponugupati Solomon Herme  
    Friendship Evangelism is the most suitable method for campus atmosphere in winning souls for christ

  28. For the Love of Jesus (essay) by Richard L. Provencher  
    So many people wish they had the courage to do what they dreamed about.

  29. See the supernatural by S Mariah  
    Yet in the spiritual realms, it's where God works things through and in the spiritual realms, we need to praise God by faith, believing that God has indeed heard our every single prayers for ourselves, others and His Kingdom. It takes faith to accomplish the spiritual thing.

  30. Fighting Our Battles with Obedience: by Teddy Gas  
    In our lives we have come face to face with many problems and none of them were too easy to be underestimated. Life was meant to be enjoyable regardless of money, friendship, family and commitment to any of these.


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