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  1. THE HOST OF STREET ANGELS by Paul Curtis  
    Spread the good news
    By any means you choose
    Pass on the news to all

  2. True Love by Tracy Nunes  
    Will she find True Love despite all of the obstacles she's thrown in the way? Will the Prince be able to show His Love to His princess through you?

  3. Too Little, Too Late by louis gander  
    The sermons heard week after week -
    but still no tear runs down my cheek.

  4. One Night in a Homeless Shelter by Michael Blunk Th.D.  
    The writer goes undercover by posing as a homeless person in need of shelter.

  5. Old Soldiers Never Die; They Just Fade Away? by Jeanne E Webster  
    Veterans are seldom given their rewards for the many sacrifices they paid during their service to our country. Report for duty and serve them.

  6. What Happens When American Idol Gives Back? by rhodora bariuad  
    Spend your timely on worthwhile things. Nourish not only your body but most especially your soul. For it's the one hardest to feed, for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. In short, we wanted to be spiritually right but our human frailty and natural sin prevails. Also, we want to be spiritually grown but we don't like growing because growing hurts. It kills our temporal joy, it opens doors and windows to the trials, testing of faith and temptations. It may hurt, yes. thus, the verses of the beatitudes of Jesus.

  7. Letter to the Imprisoned by Chris Umeweni  
    Does fulfilment of life's purpose end in prison? Here is a truth that must be preached at the roof tops to prisoners.

  8. How Little Love by louis gander  
    Pray a few more minutes and
    convince your God you care.

  9. The Least Of These by louis gander  
    Well, have I made a difference
    or held to some indifference -
    for children still in need?

  10. Over, Under & On by louis gander  
    Under the sword that pierced his side,
    over the grave and grace inside,
    under the feet, securely nailed,
    over all clearly - I had failed.

  11. Brother Andrew - God's Smuggler by Chad Roberts  
    On the night of June 18, 1981, Brother Andrew's ministry, Open Doors, smuggled 1 million Bibles into China!...He is a model of the passion ordinary Christians can have for an extraordinary call to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  12. Brother Andrew: God's Smuggler by Chad Roberts  
    On the night of June 18, 1981, Brother Andrew's ministry, Open Doors, smuggled 1 million Bibles into China!

  13. Hold the Ropes: The Story of William Carey by Chad Roberts  
    In a meeting with the missionary society in London, the leaders asked, "Who will go down to the Heathen and take them the Gospel?" Carey spoke up and said, "I will go...but you must hold the rope for me!"

  14. Christ Among Muslims by Chad Roberts  
    There are no sweeter words for a missionary than, "I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also" Luke 15:16. There are no sweeter words for the church planter than the promise of Christ, "I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18. And certainly, there are no sweeter words for the Muslim than Romans 15:21, "Those who have never been told him will see, and those who have never heard will understand." Oh the joy of seeing Christ among Muslims!

  15. Profoundly Broken by Karen Jimmy  
    ...We weren't sure who we could trust. Rumours were rife concerning things that had only recently happened to other foreigners who'd passed by that route. Even the Lonely Planet Guide warns travellers to avoid this place if at all possible...the writer described it as "the Hell you had to pass through in order to get to Heaven"...We were there as representatives and ambassadors of Jesus, and our sole aim...was to show the people there the kindness and love of God. Would God fail us now?

  16. Be Consistent In Achieving Your God Given Purpose by Sondra Kelly  
    Consistency is the key to fulfilling your God given purpose. Purpose is the destiny in which we all eventially desire to achieve. At the end of this life, our race has been run. Will you receive a crown of achievement? Will you hear the voice of God say, "well done"?

  17. A Fresh Start: A New Beginning by Onyekachukwu Ukeje  
    An article written as an evangelism tool for a greater harvest into the body of Christ.

  18. The Answer Screams by louis gander  
    Some search & search their whole life through - yet, The Answer Screams!

  19. Faith, Fruit, Teach, Preach by louis gander  
    The Great Commission in poetry...

  20. What is the way out? by toye faleye  
    An evangelistic article aimed at explaining that the only way out of hellfire is Jesus Christ

  21. Of Tree And Book by louis gander  
    From Genesis to Revelation -
    from the Tree of Life to the Book of Life...

  22. Saved by AIDS by Gregory Kane  
    A heart-breaking account of a woman who contracts HIV and yet finds redemption and hope in the person of Christ

  23. The Breathing Disease by Gregory Kane  
    A moving story of an older child who is painfully aware that he's dying of AIDS

  24. How africa saved my love for God by Louisa Hall  
    I challenged God, asking Him how a God of Love could allow so much suffering in the world. This is the story of the journey He took me on in reply.

  25. Mercy: Stories from Africa. by Louisa Hall  
    A recollection of a trip to Kenya, visiting orphans and the effect of the trip.

  26. Why the Christian Church grew so rapidly by Robert Randle  
    What is lacking today in spreading the Gospel message is a lack of urgency. The body of Christ grew so rapidly after Jesus returned back to heaven because of a belief in His imminent return back to earth. Jesus reiterated to His disciples ("The Twelve") many times of His coming suddenly, unexpected, and like a 'thief in the night.'

  27. A Young Man Called Hudson by Louise Lee  
    This is a short biography of Hudson Taylor for children. Heros of faith started their aspiration at their young age. Hudson Taylor was one of them, and there are so many things we can learn from one life.

  28. Sitting on the Bench for Jesus by Irvin Rozier  
    Are you sitting in the background waiting on the Lord's timing? Be encouraged by this article.

  29. The Candle by louis gander  
    I was an unlit candle
    and not worth anything,
    until one day I saw the light -
    from under thorns, a King!

  30. Born to die by Onyekachukwu Ukeje  
    This article is an evangelistic tool highlighting the fact that Jesus had to die a shameful death in order that we might be saved, and that it was God's purpose for bringing Him into the world.


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