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  1. Why did Jesus come? by Onyekachukwu Ukeje  
    This article is an evangelistic tool attempting in a nutshell to explain why Jesus came to save man from sin, the power and the works of the devil, and eternal damnation.

  2. People pounder purpose in Life by Andrey Bogdanov  
    Do we really have a purpose?

  3. Don't even think about eating the wings by Gregory Kane  
    Do missionaries really have to eat all manner of disgusting foods? Well, yes, some times. Here's a recipe you might not want to try at home

  4. A rustle of bones by Gregory Kane  
    An eerie encounter between a young missionary and a witchdoctor. Based upon a true story.

  5. God is outside of time by Gregory Kane  
    How important is it that we pray for missionaries? Share the pain and anguish of two guardian angels as they seek to protect their charges from Satan's homicidal intent

  6. A Shepherd without his Sheep by Gregory Kane  
    People often remark on the sacrifices that missionaries make for the sake of the Kingdom of God. But spare a thought for those they leave behind, who miss out on seeing their grandchildren growing up

  7. The Gift of Blood - a True Story by Gregory Kane  
    A true story of a life redeemed by missionary sacrifice. A rootless Zimbabwean refugee discovers the love of her church family

  8. TO WHOM SHALL WE GO? by Imma Okochua  
    Jesus is the only who has the answer to our questions.

  9. For Tough Minds Only by Imma Okochua  
    Jesus has come to help you with your burdens

  10. How To Live Forever by Imma Okochua  
    God has revealed to us how we can live forever in joy and peace.

  11. The Anointed Prodigals by Bola Olu-Jordan  
    Just like the prodigal son collected his inheritance from his father prematuredly and wasted by being generous to strangers with it, so also many servants of God today are forcefully collecting gifts from the Father and distributing it to strangers in the faith who are only interested in the benefit they can get from God, but not willing to serve him.

    Many Pastors today specialize in the distribution of such miracles. At the end of time, Jesus will tell them I know you not you that works iniquity. The iniquity is collecting what rightfully belongs to him at an inappropriate time for selfish reasons not approved by the father

  12. Plagued By A Piece of Cake by Patty Wysong  
    A series of journal entries that chronicles a missions trip and contrasts two girls responses to the setting and the nationals. Bits and pieces of this are taken directly from my time spent in Ecuador as a missionary kid.

  13. Move towards Jesus Christ despite the risks by   
    We need to work for Jesus Christ

  14. War, Freedom, Jehovah, McDonald's- Equals Change by Samuel Connelly  
    As I sat in McDonald's following up on some journalism leads, my morning was interrupted by a man who wanted to convert me to a religion that I could never be apart of for freedom's sake. This is based on our interesting meeting.

  15. The Best Kept Secret by David T. Simmons  
    Today, Jesus is the best kept secret in many
    churches and with many believers. Had the Church lived in that period, Jesus would only have to charge us one time not to tell. Today there is no such command given to the believer, we are told to go to all nations with the good news.

  16. ALLOW MY GOD by Praveen Kumar  
    If you want to see Christ wonders then allow my God into your life and let HIM choose you for HIS glory at HIS appointed time.......

  17. True Outreach Occurs from One Heart to Another by   
    When Christ consumes our estimations of success, we will naturally spill out from where we are into the rest of the world. We will be who we are in Christ without excessive deliberation.

  18. The United States Is Strategic For God's Kingdom by   
    Do you desire world-wide exposure, missions expert? If you live in the United States, then you have multitudes from other countries going in and out of your country every day.

  19. God's Kingdom Come to the United States by   
    We see only a small number of people besides ourselves, but God sees the whole world. Therefore, as we each do our own little parts, the whole body of Christ will make spiritual strides.

  20. The United States is Unreached, But Not Out-of-Reach by   
    The fact that the U.S. is unreached should be common sense to us. Even all the ornate steeples and pretty stained glass in the world should not blur our spiritual vision.

  21. Simple Obedience: Obey God Wherever You Are by   
    As water runs down to the next lowest place, so obedience and the direction of our faith-walks should be similarly uncomplicated for us. We should obey the Lord wherever we are, however the free-flowing gravity of the Holy Spirit compels us.

  22. The Acts 1:8 Principle: Be Faithful Wherever You Are by   
    Jesus describes an expanding circle of influence for His followers. If an expanding circle was an appropriate model for the early church, it must also be appropriate for us today.

  23. Missions Can Be a False Spiritual Security Blanket by   
    Up until recently, my plans to become a worldwide missionary were my spiritual security blanket. I comforted myself with the presumption that I had a guaranteed position as "spiritual superstar" anywhere else in the world (as long as it was someplace where people didn't know me).

  24. What's Is God's "Cutting Edge?" by   
    If you seek Christ then be encouraged by the simplicity of your calling. Christ's followers obey Him wherever they are, however they can.

  25. God versus Americans by   
    God can save any people, no matter how far fallen they may seem. He continues even these days to show up to unsuspecting people in unexpected ways.

  26. Intentions: Full-Throttle! by Terry R A Eissfeldt  
    A look at where the great commission must begin.

  27. Who Will Go? -- A Hymn of Commission by Beth LaBuff  
    a modern hymn set to the tune: Diademata (Crown Him With Many Crowns) by George J. Elvey

    1. Rise up now, who will go
    And fill this world with Light?
    I've Living Water for their thirst.
    The harvest fields are white.

  28. Distractions by Angela M. Baker-Bridge  
    Why do other citizens of other countries dress so differently than Americans? One eager minister's wife discovers the answer, but not in time to spare herself from being embarrassed!

  29. You and God. Yeah. Okay by dub W  
    Missionary is introduced to small Central American village. The essay is a short conversation between the Missionary and his guide.

  30. Reflections on Martyrdom in relation to Post-modern Contemporary Church: by Joey Zorina  
    The call to suffer with Christ is not a call to bear our sins the way he bore them. It is a call to live a life of spiritual transaction by which the "old nature" is reckoned death with Christ, and a "new creature" comes into being through the resurrection power. How is this related to Martyrdom?


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