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Church Life


  1. Pray For Your Pastor by Ruthie Alekseeva  
    A celebrity recounts in her autobiography that after her second husband proposed, she hoped she could marry at a pretty, little church in Darling Point, Sydney, but while discussing the wedding arrangements with the church minister, her plans fell through because the minister felt uncomfortable about marrying a couple whose first marriages had both ended in divorce.

    Christians have different views about how we should interpret the Bible passages regarding divorce and remarriage, but we must pray for our pastors when they find themselves in such situations, especially when they are dealing with non-Christians.

  2. The Big Picture by Dudley Anderson  
    ?God knows whatever it is you?re facing today. He knows how you got into that situation and he knows how you will get out of it.?

  3. One Lost Sheep by Chong Shipei  
    Evan Lee never failed to serve the Lord, Shu Mei used to love the Lord but now hated Him. Jesus wept.

  4. Our Youth, Like Young Sunflowers by Rik Charbonneaux  
    We are losing our youth to science and social media.

  5. Is There Any Place for Entertainment in Church Services? by Max Aplin  
    Too often today, church services seem to be aimed in part at entertaining people. Services shouldn't aim to entertain adults, but nor should they aim to avoid entertaining them. Visual aids in teaching are not entertainment. For children, it is important to have an element of entertainment in church services.

  6. "Oranges and Lemons" - A Circle of Church Bells in Medieval London by Rik Charbonneaux  
    An historic look at the great church bells of London 1600AD

  7. COMMITMENT VS OBLIGATION: When Pastors Press by linzy bruno  
    "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:14)

  8. Are You Vexing Your Soul--At Church? by Tonja Taylor  
    As true Believers who love righteousness and hate wickedness, we can often be vexed, because we expect too much of other mere humans--Christian or not--even in church.

  9. Are You Being Oppressed at Your Church? Part III by Tonja Taylor  
    This is a unique time in history. King Jesus is very soon to return! He, the LORD of the Angel Armies, is the Master Strategist, and often moves willing Believers to new vineyards (churches). Part III can give you more insight concerning a potential move.

  10. Are You Being Oppressed At Your Church? -- Part II by Tonja Taylor  
    Where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is freedom, and no condemnation. "Freedom" means many things. If you are not experiencing the right types of freedom at your church, and if you are experiencing condemnation (being made to feel guilty in a wrong way) the LORD may be moving you to another church!

  11. Are You Being Oppressed At Your Church? - PART 1 by Tonja Taylor  
    "Church" to most of us means a body of Believers in the LORD Jesus Christ, which meets regularly. No church is perfect, but many wrong things can occur, either stifling or at least confusing--and thus distracting from the true Word of God--the people. Sometimes, God will move us to a different church, where true freedom and fulfilment of His Plan will more fully occur!

  12. Why I Miss my Church Overseas by BenT   
    What if everything you knew about church was stripped away, except for the most essential, Biblical elements? What might that look like?

  13. 7 Scriptures to Pray For Your Pastors by Tonja Taylor  
    I pray very often for my pastors, but the LORD gave me specific Scriptures to pray for them. Speaking the Word over others and ourselves always causes a positive reaction--although it may be unseen for a while--for the Word of God is always at work (Isaiah 55:10-11)!

  14. A Glorious Wonderful Day by Kathleen Angell  
    A wonderful day in the Lord.

    "People may die due to accident, but......."

  16. Expectation=Faith. by Kay Rittenhouse  
    What is the difference between faith and expectation?

  17. What is True Treasure? Park III by Tonja Taylor  
    True treasure is mutli-faceted, but the Word of God is one of the sublime treasures God gives us!

  18. Dancing in the Church by Tonja Taylor  
    Dancing is Biblical, when done to the glory of God. It is a powerful expression of praise and worship, and can be a tool to bring healing, deliverance, and restoration to the Body of Christ!

  19. EVIDENCE OF GOD by linzy bruno  
    "2Timothy 3:16-18--
    "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."

  20. THE CHURCH SHOULD BE AWAKE, NOT WOKE! by linzy bruno  
    "For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." (Matthew 24:24, NKJV)

  21. REAL INSPIRATION by Dudley Anderson  
    âThe Holy Spirit in you is your inspiration to follow the plans that God knows he has for you to fulfil your purpose on this planet.â

    âEven within your dilemma, he is reminding you that every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.â

  23. Going to the Church of God With This COVID-19 Virus by Ngozi Nwoke  
    Should you attend church services with the Coronavirus pandemic? Now, Churches can hold services in some places. However, many Christians are yet to resume services in their various churches. But these same persons go to the shops, banks, markets and their offices. Should going to church during COVID-19 then be an issue?

    No other reason were we saved by the Lord Jesus Christ, than to love Him, and Him living through us as we live like Him and for Him.

  25. Witches and Warlocks in Churches by Sue Darling  
    Many witches and warlocks enter in the churches deceiving most good well-meaning Christians. I have been to two churches that this was so.

  26. THE PANDEMIC COVID_19, A SPIRITUAL WARFARE by Dr Surya Kumar Daimari  
    The Pandemic is perhaps hitting at the pulse of the Church life and its activities. It has locked down the Churches all over the world. This is a disrupting time ï" disrupting all kinds of activities, inside and out. Believe that the Pandemic is more than a Pandemic physical disease but rather a kind of spiritual warfare for every child of God that we have to fight with.

  27. Churches Disputes by Sue Darling  
    We all suffer from blind spots. And sometimes it is no use pointing it out to us, because more times than not we won't believe it. Not until the Holy Spirit reveals it do we believe.

  28. Top 3 Reasons Pastors' Kids Struggle With the Faith by Ogaga Eruteya  
    Ever wondered why certain preachers' kids find it hard getting along in the faith? Some eventually abandon the faith their parents preached. Find out in this post, 3 factors often responsible for this.

  29. A new Year by Stanley Davis  
    Today marks the beginning of a new year and also the beginning of the next decade.

  30. The Right Kind of Church by Tonja Taylor  
    Heaven will be the ultimate Church--with humans from every language, color, and race! Let us have Heaven on earth here, for, if you cut us, WE ALL BLEED RED!


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