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  1. Who's Got Your Back? by Tonja Taylor  
    "I've got your back!" people say, and they mean it--till life gets really tough. The One Who really has your back, though, is Jehovah Nissi, the LORD God Your Almighty Defender! However, a faithful, Bible-believing Church Family is definitely a strong cover for you in these strange and dangerous times!

  2. THE RAINBOW IS GOD's! by Tonja Taylor  
    Give to God what is God's, and to others', what is others'.


  3. The I Am is Faithful Forever! by Tonja Taylor  
    When the repairman came to repair the microwave, I realized it was about more than the microwave. God The I AM is always working!

  4. Jesus is the Gentle Lover of Our Souls by Tonja Taylor  
    Sometimes it is rare to find a truly gentle person; gentle but still strong in their convictions. In Christ Jesus, we do have a wonderful gentle Savior, the Lover of our souls!

  5. The Gate by Henry Miranda  
    Salvation Is A Free Choice The Bible presents us with the opportunity to choose freely between salvation and eternal damnation. Ephesians 2:8-9 states, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." This is in reference to the fact that Christians are saved by grace.

  6. What Has YOUR God Done For You Lately? by Tonja Taylor  
    Are you giving credit to some other "(no)god"---when it's the LORD Jesus Christ, Elohim, the LORD God Almighty Who created and sustains Heaven and earth--and YOU!--and gives you every good thing?

  7. It's Wisdom to Follow the Cloud by Tonja Taylor  
    "The Cloud" is not just an Old Testament thing. King Jesus is returning soon--in The Cloud! Let us follow Him; move when He moves. Hallelujah!

  8. Pity for the Angels by Tonja Taylor  
    The holy angels always behold God's face, but they can never have the relationship with Him that we have, as children of God!

  9. Porque Te Amo (Because I Love You) by Tonja Taylor  
    God is Love (I John 4:8). Everything God has done for us is because He loves us!

  10. Choose to Use the Power of Your Freedom! by Tonja Taylor  
    "Freedom" means different things to different people. However, the Sovereign LORD gave us a free will. It is because of man's free will that there is sin and death in the world, but we can choose to use our free will to serve God and be catalysts for positive change!

  11. New Mercies Every Morning! by Tonja Taylor  
    God is for us, not against us--of there would be no hope for humanity! He is the ultimate loving, faithful Father, and just like any loving parent, He prefers to forget our wrongs and show us mercy; new every morning!

  12. The Power to Inscribe or to Blot Out of the Lamb's Book of Life! by Tonja Taylor  
    It is easy for me to change my calendar, as the students I tutor or I have to alter times and days to adjust to other things in our lives. It occurred to me a couple of days ago, that it is even easier for the Sovereign LORD to write us into--or out of--the Lamb's Book of Life!

  13. What Does Christmas Mean to You? by Tonja Taylor  
    Christmas is truly about recognizing God's love, mercy, and faithfulness to mankind!

  14. You Can Have the Joy of Christmas All Year! by Tonja Taylor  
    We all want to be happy and content, and that was God's intent from the Beginning. Many people find that Christmas is the happiest time of their year, but it is possible to have that joy all day long!

  15. VISIONS OF THE KING - He Wouldn't Let Me Bow! by Tonja Taylor  
    Here's what happened in the vision God gave me during high worship today! I wept as I experienced the sublime love and acceptance of my darling Daddy God even more deeply!

  16. The Dirty Dollar by Tonja Taylor  
    A dirty dollar bill is still worth a dollar. You may be dirty; crumpled; torn; abused, but you are priceless and precious to the God Who created you!

  17. The 57-Million Dollar Mistake by Tonja Taylor  
    "You made a 57-million dollar mistake!" they told the pastor. "What were you thinking?!" But the LORD used this to teach him a lifelong lesson!

  18. What Other King Would Share His Throne? Only The God of Hope! by Tonja Taylor  
    Hope is the light of life. When all seems dark and we feel dead, our spirits within know that somehow, God--The God of Heaven and earth, Who willingly shares His Throne with us--is our only true Hope. He is good, loves us anyway, and will help us live again!

  19. JESUS is the Truth! by Tonja Taylor  
    People are looking for the Truth--because we are created to do so! Many things purport to be true, but only Jesus Christ the Savior and LORD of all IS the Truth!

  20. Jesus Released Us From Prison! by Tonja Taylor  
    Jesus Christ did much more than just bail us out--which is a temporary thing. He died once for all on the cross, for us to be eternally free!

  21. My Spirit Guide by Tonja Taylor  
    Most of us want guidance, sooner or later. Many people seek a "spirit guide" to help them. However, there is only One true Spirit Guide--and He is the Spirit of Jesus; the Spirit of God, Who lives inside us, "possessing" us as we allow Him, when we choose to believe in Christ Jesus' saving death for us on the cross over 2,000 years ago!

  22. JESUS is Inclusive! by Tonja Taylor  
    Yes, Jesus is inclusive--He shed His pure holy blood for every person, to forgive every person of their sin--even when we hated and mocked Him (John 3:16, Romans 5:5)! He is our Measure, our Standard. He is the Way, the Truth, the Life!

  23. How to Find the REAL Jesus by Tonja Taylor  
    What is Truth? Truth is Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God--the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6). If you really want to find Him, you will!

  24. Thank God He Didn't Leave Me Alone! by Tonja Taylor  
    When I got the Easter card from a child-hood friend, I was so glad the LORD had not left me alone, but had continued to pursue me, woo me, change me!

  25. GOD Said It First: You're Preapproved! by Tonja Taylor  
    Jesus Christ the LORD, the holy Son of God, died a gruesome death on the cross--so you and I could have Heavenly life. We are preapproved!

  26. VISIONS OF THE KING - The Word Lifts Me Up To Lift Up The Word by Tonja Taylor  
    The LORD gave me this glorious vision during Communion at church today, Resurrection Day 2022. He is Risen indeed

  27. REAL SALVATION OR TRICKSTERSâ MUMBO JUMBO? How Sure Are You? by Eugene Lopatynsky  
    Perhaps, the forbidden Fruit ingested by Adam and Eve, just might have been an ancient, immensely advanced, precursor of Bill Gates mRNA injection, containing inheritable instructions to manâs own DNA matrix, to permanently alter motivation, perception and behavior, eventually, for all mankind.

  28. Jesus' Return is Good News--Or Is It? by Tonja Taylor  
    Jesus Christ The King is returning very soon, which is the most excellent news--unless you don't know Him! Will you be ready?

  29. Favor With the Living God! by Tonja Taylor  
    The LORD God of Heaven and earth has extended His Favor--His Grace, His Mercy, His no-strings-attached Love--to you today, through His Son, the LORD Jesus Christ. He offers you a new, wonderful, secure, and peaceful Life in Him. Won't you say "Yes!" today?!

  30. Hey Kids! Jesus is Coming Soon! by Tonja Taylor  
    This is a Salvation message addressed to kids--but we are all "little children" to the Most High, Who created us! I wrote it over a decade ago, and put it at the front of my books.


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