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Alone and Bitter
by PamFord Davis
Hot tempered individuals unknowingly cool off needed relationships.
Back Row Baptists
by PamFord Davis
Have you heard of back row Baptists?
Just wondering, is that description a bad thing?
Is It the End . . . Or the Beginning of Life?
by Rick Gregory
Walking through the end of life with my wife?s dad.
Not to be Ignored or Excused
by PamFord Davis
No sin should be ignored or excused. It must be dealt with.
Why Worry?
by PamFord Davis
Sacred Scripture assures me of the Father?s love and providential care.
Not Afraid of the Dark
by PamFord Davis
Am I enlightened; am I walking in His light?
?Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path (Psalm 119:105 NASB).?
Power to Resist
by PamFord Davis
Join me in surrendering to God. It gives power to resist the devil?s schemes.
I Can
by PamFord Davis
He is opening doors; take His hand and believe His promises.
My Living Hope
by PamFord Davis
Don?t give up hope. All things are possible to those who believe in Christ and His resurrection power.
Fireside Chats
by PamFord Davis
The Apostle Peter had just witnessed Jesus? arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was in no mood for a fireside chat.
Victory March
by PamFord Davis
Why the frown? This hymn is not a funeral dirge; it?s a victory march!
My Tongue
by PamFord Davis
My keyboard serves as an extension of my tongue.
?My heart overflows with a pleasing theme;
I address my verses to the king;
my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe (Psalm 45:1 ESV).?
Joyful Lips
by PamFord Davis
Am I using my lips to praise?
?Do I or don?t I??
Resolutions, Promises and Vows
by PamFord Davis
People are prone to break promises and vows.
LORD, I trust you. You keep your word.
Praise Pattern
by PamFord Davis
Doxology/Thomas Ken 1674 [Public Domain]
?Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav?nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.?
Beyond the Decor
by Asha John
The precious reminder of the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ beyond all the decor
A Half-hearted Preacher with a Solid Word
by Yuri Solomon
Jonah was not one we would have chosen, nor one that we would have considered effective. And yet God?s preacher is always the right preacher for the job, regardless of what you think about his attitude, his resume, or his pedigree.
Deception and Accusations
by PamFord Davis
I?ve listened to the deception and accusations of the devil. As a result, I?ve been judgmental of myself.
Narrow Minded
by PamFord Davis
I make a commitment to follow the Father; He has set the highest conformity standard.
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren (Romans 8:28-29 NKJV)."
A Fishy Kind of Love
by Yuri Solomon
But here we learn that God is no gentleman to a wayward heart in His child. He will drag you out of a ship, into a fish?s mouth, through a sea, and on a three day journey in one day, to get you to face Him, to pray, and to turn toward His way.
Power in Numbers
by PamFord Davis
Paired, the disciples fulfilled the Master?s purpose.
Greatest Treasure
by PamFord Davis
We can trust God; He is a faithful provider. He has given us the greatest treasure; eternal life.
God?s Providential Storm
by Yuri Solomon
Even your corrupt plan for you is still in his plan for you. Your sin is means for His self-revelation to you: ?I?m everywhere, I know everything, and I?ve got all power.? One songwriter put it, ?You can?t run, you can?t hide there?s no need to even try.?
Sick of Heart, Body and Soul
by PamFord Davis
God is merciful.
?However, Hezekiah humbled the pride of his heart, both he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the wrath of the Lord did not come on them in the days of Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 32:26 NASB).?
Patriotism and Dedication
by PamFord Davis
Vote on the day of your choice for the candidates of your choice. Vote and pray. Pray for your community; your state and nation. Our future is at stake.
Is It Right to Say that God Died on the Cross?
by Max Aplin
In the most fundamental sense, God did not die on the cross. However, Jesus died in His humanity on the cross, anything that is true of His humanity is true of Jesus, and the person who is Jesus is the person who is God the Son. So there is a sense in which God died on the cross.
The Promise of an Impossibility
by Yuri Solomon
He will never allow the darkness to get that dark; the pain will never be that severe; the challenge will never be that hard; the fight will never overcome you, to the extent that it destroys your faith in God. I didn?t say it won?t seem impossible. I did not say it won?t look like a Rea Sea, a fiery furnace, a lion?s den, but I said it can?t win.
Present and Accounted For
by PamFord Davis
I seek the Holy Lord?s presence; He expects mine.
by PamFord Davis
Mankind can't tame tongues; the Lord provides the antidote of self-control.
What Will Be, Will Be
by PamFord Davis
What will be, will be.
Esther didn?t cast her fate to the winds. She waited for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to reveal His power.
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