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    Finally, all my children's stories are available with gorgeous illustrations! A lifelong goal accomplished!

  2. The Christmas of AD5000 by Chong Shipei  
    It was the AD 5000. My name is Cylopet Hornet, from the X1574 Secret Agent Division. I was sent by MR.X, known more popularly as The Boss, to stop an attempt by the mad scientist Mr. H to assassinate Jesus Christ.

  3. One Way to Take Your Writing to the Next Level by Tonja Taylor  
    A couple years ago or more, I discovered that, even with the audio up loud, I could get into a very productive writing flow and get a lot done! However, not just any loud audio would do--it has to be Bible-based preaching or true worship, because the Spirit of the LORD inhabits His praise and is infused in His Word. He is the Author!

  4. Why You Don't Need to Go to Writers' Conferences or Join Writers' Groups by Tonja Taylor  
    Through the years, I've discovered that, for me at least, going to writers' conferences and joining writing groups can be fun and inspiring--but the work still remains. Personally, I get more done and save money by avoiding these. You may find that you do need to do these, but don't let them keep you from your real goal: writing!

  5. One Way to Get the Words Flowing by Tonja Taylor  
    There have been a few times when I've sat down to write, and just couldn't get going. However, the LORD gave me the wisdom to just start describing scenes in detail, and then later transform them into dialogue and more!

  6. A Simple Way to Have a Jail Ministiry by Tonja Taylor  
    The LORD inspired me to send anonymous cards to people in jail, via a ministry at my church. At first, I bought blank cards, thinking "thank you" cards would be inappropriate. But the LORD changed my thinking about that!

  7. One Way to Start Writing the Next Novel in Your Series by Tonja Taylor  
    There are at least eight novels in my series, The Adventures of Princess Pearl, P.O.W.E.R.* (Purposeful Operations With Eternal Rewards) Girl! Using conventional writing programs doesn't work for me, but the LORD gave me a strategy that does--including on how to get going on the next novel in the series.

  8. Burdens Of A Christian Writer by Olawale Ogunsola  
    A Christian writer is on a special assignments for the glory of God and benefits of mankind in a special way.

  9. When writers sleep, souls slip by theburningbushboy Solanke  
    Dear Kingdom writer, you may not be aware of this, but let it be known that you became a sent writer, at a time like this, because someone, in dire need of help, cried to the Lord of the harvest; who, in response to the cry, sent you to the field as a writer.

    Have you not read?

  10. How to Get More Mileage Out of Your Writing by Tonja Taylor  
    Here are two strategies you can use to reach more people with less writing!

  11. Three Tips to Reach More Readers by Tonja Taylor  
    You write to exalt the LORD, and the more readers the better. Here are two ways to draw more parents, teachers, and librarians to choose your writings for their readers.

  12. He Watches Over Me by Julie Blackman  
    Christ is my risen Savior, and I am confident He watches over me.

  13. Jesus is All That--Alive, Attentive, Able, Alliterative, Alphabetical--Part II by Tonja Taylor  
    In Part I, I gave you tips that can help you be more creative and productive in your writing. Here is the actual article the LORD gave me this morning--the alliterative, alphabetical "A" list of a few of His wonderful attributes!

  14. Jesus is All That--Alive, Attentive, Able, Alliterative, and Alphabetical - Part 1 by Tonja Taylor  
    Jesus is endlessly creative! Here are a few tips which can help you be more productive and creative in your writing, as I relate the article God gave me upon waking this morning.

  15. From Broken to Whole by Julie Blackman  
    When we feel brokenhearted, we can be assured that our Heavenly Father will help put our shattered pieces together again. We must remain strong, steadfast, grateful and encouraged. God is in control.

  16. A Song by Harold Popp  
    The writing expresses the response of a composer after completing a major composition. It acknowledges that being creative is an important part of being created in the image of our Creator.

  17. Certainties and Icebergs by J Patrick Bowman  
    It's time we moved out of our comfort zones as writers and Christian leaders.

  18. Writers' Memorial by theburningbushboy Solanke  
    âI express my thoughts in writing to stop them from going with me to the world beyond. Whatever you commit into writing stays behind for others to live with. Blessed be the souls of departed writers who left us with their great revelations.âÂ

  19. Writing lessons from Luke by theburningbushboy Solanke  
    SinceÂI am, therefore, called to write, I must write right, obeying all writing rites. I must give my writing a deep thought, for while I am gone, my work should still be speaking.

  20. Best Games on Steam - Terraria by   
    Terraria game review.

  21. Clued in To Writing with Jeopardy by Marlene Mesot  
    Examples of planting clues in a mystery.

  22. The Pen Fountain by theburningbushboy Solanke  
    Dear Christian writer, I know you have quiet and lonely moments in your garden, seeking Godâs face for inspiration. You have a lot of your writings flowing out of your garden without the knowledge of the geographical direction and distance they are covering or have covered. Can anyone truly measure the spiritual impact of your water in the lives of men? I doubt!

  23. Unknown Nation by Michael Ivan Godfrey Watson  
    I believe this article gives us all hope.

  24. AS LIFE PASSES ON AGAIN by Dwayne Collins  
    As children are born, life passes on. WE are supposed to fill them up with the things that will allow them to life a respected life but WE only give them what is needed to survive the same tragedies that WE ourselves are living. But life passes on again and again WE let life pass on.

  25. AS LIFE PASSES ON by Dwayne Collins  
    No matter what WE do in life, it continues on with or without us. The problems WE have as mankind should have stopped but because WE look to see others solving our problems, they continue. As life passes on.

  26. Night Songs by Linda Jackson  
    The Holy Spirit Answered
    He heard their song

  27. Writing Is A Christian Heritage by Greg Robbins  
    Some thoughts about the origins of Christian writing.

  28. Formatting Help Regular FaithWriters Articles by Michael Edwards  
    Formatting Help Regular FaithWriters Articles

  29. ... Write! by Olawale Ogunsola  
    Writing is a gift and it is given by God's Grace especially to Christian writers, although many people are trained to write and they chose to write for God's Glory. This is also by grace. Whatever you are instructed by the Spirit of God, please write it.

  30. ~First Draft to Polished Gem~ by Jannette Fuller  
    God has placed a call on our lives. Some are called to be apostles, pastors, prophets, teachers, and some are destined to write.


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