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Christian Apologetics


  1. Prayer From a Deep Place by lareina morgan  
    do you need to pray from a deep place? Maybe you are wondering why things seem to be getting worse in your life, and where is God in all of thei drama? Got is waiting for you to come to him with all of your problems...

  2. The Lord Holds The Keys by Olawale Ogunsola  
    Whatever is your desire at any time, the Lord holds the keys to doors leading to it. He is ever ready to open it.

  3. Lameness Of Mankind by Olawale Ogunsola  
    Every man, by nature, is incapacitated especially when it comes to the things of God and His glory.

  4. Deceit Of The Elect by Olawale Ogunsola  
    If care is not take and except an Elect watches with the eyes of the Holy Spirit, any Elect of the Lord can be deceived by fake Prophets and their miracles.

  5. Lawful And Right by Olawale Ogunsola  
    What is lawful should be right. What is not right but lawful can be done away with by someone who fears the Lord, his God.

  6. The Great Distractions by lareina morgan  
    what are the great distractions? That is anything or anyone that would distract you from the truth of God's word and the saving grace of Jesus Chrsit. What can you do to resist these great distractions?

  7. Does Colossians 1:15-16 Really Mean That Jesus Is Not Divine? by Max Aplin  
    Colossians 1:15-16 is sometimes said to show that Jesus is not divine. In fact, this passage points towards Jesus' deity rather than away from it. 'The firstborn of all creation' is not about Him being created but about His role as Creator.

  8. Tame Your Taste by Olawale Ogunsola  
    Every taste must be tamed to avoid every danger associated with untamed taste.

  9. Rooftop Confessions by lareina morgan  
    what is spokein in the silence will be shouted from the rooftops, do you have secret sins that must be confessed to the Lord? It is time...

  10. Wars And Rumors Of Wars by Ray Cleghorn  
    Wars Are Satan's Will Done On Earth As It Is In Hell

  11. Is Jeremiah 13:23 Racist against Black People? by Max Aplin  
    Opponents of the Christian faith sometimes claim that Jeremiah 13:23 shows a racist attitude towards black people, and they see this as evidence that our faith is not true. In fact, this verse is not racist at all.

  12. AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE (Eagerness Of God) 23 by Olawale Ogunsola  
    Have you encountered the true power of God? Your experience of it is enough bring people to Him . Start to share the experience beginning from now.

  13. AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE (Eagerness Of God) 22 by Olawale Ogunsola  
    Every display power of God is worthy of being reported to those who have not known Him.

  14. AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE ( Eagerness Of God) 21 by Olawale Ogunsola  
    An encounter with the original puts an end to inferior and every wrong, distorted or poorly reported information. Have encountered the original.

  15. An Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes - Part 1 by Tonja Taylor  
    I didn't really understand Christ's Sermon on the Mount, and the Beatitudes for decades, but after reading Gordon Lindsay's LIFE OF CHRIST Volume II, the light has been turned on. So I'm sharing in my own words what I believe the LORD means. May these help you!

  16. AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE (Eagerness Of God) by Olawale Ogunsola  
    It is very important to share the goodness of God with others so that they will become beneficiaries of the same.

  17. Some Proof that Jesus is the Son of God by Tonja Taylor  
    Here is a brief synopsis of many proofs that Jesus Christ is the Son of God; my words after reading THE LIFE OF CHRIST Volume 1, chapter 1, by Gordon Lindsay.

  18. AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE(Eagerness Of God)19 by Olawale Ogunsola  
    Testimonies have a strong influence on the truth of the good news. Share your testimony with your children to strengthen their faith.

  19. AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE (Eagerness Of God) 18 by Olawale Ogunsola  
    There should be no fear in sharing the truth. Tell the truth as it is.

  20. Abuses of the Christian Faith Are Not Jesus' Fault by Max Aplin  
    There are many people who reject Jesus because of a bad experience they have had of something connected to the Christian faith. However, just because the Christian faith is sometimes abused, that in no way has to mean that there is anything wrong with the faith itself or with Jesus. Ironically, it is Jesus who hates abuses of the Christian faith more than anyone.

  21. AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE (Eagerness Of God)17 by Olawale Ogunsola  
    What we know, we must declare to our brethren so that they will reap the benefits.

  22. AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE (Eagerness Of God) 16 by Olawale Ogunsola  
    Truth should be proclaim. Do you do so?

  23. AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE (Eagerness Of God) 15 by Olawale Ogunsola  
    There is time for everything and delay is dangerous. Tell the truth now!

  24. AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE 14 (EAGERNESS OF GOD) by Olawale Ogunsola  
    It is possible to call a solemn assembly of our loved ones to hear the word of God and be saved, and to be baptized on the same day.

  25. AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE ( EAGERNESS OF GOD) 13 by Olawale Ogunsola  
    After being saved, it compulsory to stand up for the salvation of other people.

  26. AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE (Eagerness Of God) 122 by Olawale Ogunsola  
    Do not fail to invite your sons-in-law to come to Christ.

  27. AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE (Eagerness Of God) 11 by Olawale Ogunsola  
    You should not neglect those who are your ... in-laws. Invite them to come to Jesus Christ.

  28. AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE (EAGERNESS OF GOD) 10 by Olawale Ogunsola  
    Do not hide the truth in your heart, share it with others.

  29. AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE (Eagerness Of God) 9 by Olawale Ogunsola  
    If you are saved, invite your friends to join you.

  30. AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE (Eagerness Of God) 8 by Olawale Ogunsola  
    Witnessing for Christ begins from your home. Tell members of your house about Christ.


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