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  1. Missing Dad by naomi Cassata  
    Kids have to deal with death. Helping them understand that God knows their pain, is our job as parents. Find out how one mother deals with her son's pain.

  2. Today, I Am by Bob Valleau  
    If you are feeling sad due to some tragedy or loss in your life: Today, let God be the I Am that you need.

  3. Keep the memories clear by A. Diane Kennedy  
    , she replied," Momma, he is getting cloudy and if I lose my memories Jake won't have any." That was the breaking moment. While I had been trying not to remember, she had been doing the opposite for her little brother.

  4. This May Be the Last Time Isn't Just a Song by Marijo Phelps  
    When you think you may be having a heart attack 2 hours from any help - where do your thoughts go?

  5. Monochrome Snow Day and Katy Going by Marijo Phelps  
    Maybe Katy's last day....

  6. The Headstone by Barbara Anne fechtig  
    A poem about grief and finality of picking out a headstone.

  7. Redemption by JOHN DE SILVA  
    "I shall endure this guilt for the rest of my life and will seek redemption. But how can I be redeemed?"

  8. Atmospheric Disturbances by Terry R A Eissfeldt  
    There is a way out of the choke hold of grief.

  9. Hand Holding by PamFord Davis  
    Widows are in need of encouragement.

  10. Living With Suicide by Matthew Eldridge  
    Living with Suicide is a personal editorial by a suicide family survivor, who also struggled with the same demons as his brother.

  11. PIRATES! by louis gander  
    I remember back, when young -
    the pirate tales from grandpa's tongue -
    where peg-legged men with but one eye...

  12. Long Goodbyes by Scarlett Farr  
    A dying dog and a dying father are equally mourned and loved as time draws short.

  13. An Amazing Miracle by louis gander  
    An amazing miracle.

  14. THE STONING OF WOMEN PAKISTAN 2009 by Tom Zart  
    Never turn a blind eye toward wickedness
    Instead support its defeat and demise.
    Hearts consumed by the shadows of malice
    Are terrified of the righteous and the wise.

  15. LIFE AFTER DEATH by Jody Goode  
    Loss of a loved one brings incomprehensible pain, as if you yourself have died. After grief, however, when your trust is in the Lord of Life, you will again know the joy of life.

  16. Dust to Dust by louis gander  
    And of the fruit, creation ate -
    so plowed he fields, outside the gate.
    Was from the garden thrown, unjust?
    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

  17. Necessary Field Trip by Cheryl Thiessen  
    When my mother was dying and under hospice care, there were many details she had not adrressed prior to getting sick. The responsibility for addressing these items were left to us, her children. This article is an account of taking care of some of those "details."

  18. Knock At The Door by louis gander  
    Can you believe it?? My team is up by ten!!
    With this interception, we might just score again!!

  19. Living in the Twilight Zone by Cheryl Thiessen  
    There are many stages in caring for a dying parent. One stage I experienced was something akin to "The Twilight Zone".

  20. Sounds Of A Snowflake by louis gander  
    Shhh! Little children. Gather 'round,
    Hear the raindrops falling down?
    Watch and listen, hear the sound?
    -That pitter, patter all around?

    A children's poem with a message for all

  21. Comfort to the Bereaved by Chris Umeweni  
    How are we to react to a loved one's demise? Find out how from this article that will bring healing and comfort to a grieving heart.

  22. The Day I Buried My Family by Tai Ikomi  
    In a single day, Dr. Tai Ikomi had to bury a husband and 3 children, killed by a drunk driver. On the funeral day, the Lord visited her in an usual way as she took a step of faith to praise God.

  23. After Miscarriage: A Note To Husbands by Anna Wood  
    Some husbands seem to have trouble connecting with their wife after a miscarriage. This article is an attempt from a mother who has been there far too many times to offer a word of advice to husbands so that they might have some insight into how their wife may be feeling and how they should handle it.

  24. What Not To Say When A Friend Miscarries by Anna Wood  
    When your friend has lost a baby to miscarriage, she has every right to grieve deeply over the death of her baby. It seems that many people don't know what to say or how to avoid saying the wrong thing. So, for future reference, here is a long list of what not to say and a short list of a few things that are appopriate to say.

  25. Where Is God In My Miscarriage? by Anna Wood  
    When a woman miscarries her child, she might be tempted to ask "Where was God in this? Didn't He see? Couldn't He help?" It is important for a believer to understand that God is good, always; His goodness doesn't ever depend upon our circumstances.

  26. Regret Eternal by Gregory Kane  
    Come this way. Step with us through the very portals of Hell. But be warned - once you've seen what lies within, you'll wish there was some way out!

  27. Hell is just a Halloween fable. Isn't it? by Sandra Turner  
    Hell is a real place, not just a Halloween fable. There is a way to be sure you won't go there.

  28. A Father and A Son by Robert Heard  
    A dad and son are placed together by God on loan.

  29. Widowed - Fair or Unfair? by Jim Oates  
    Widowed - Fair or Unfair? is an article that shows the support recieved through God's love and mercy at the time of grief.

  30. Tribute To A Lovely Lady by Jim Oates  
    A Tribute To A Lovely Lady, is not a story about a funeral, it's about the celebration of a life well lived.


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